Two men taking a photo of themselves, in aprons

Personal Savings

Build a brighter future with a smart savings strategy

Set up an emergency fund or set aside money for a major purchase, college bills, home upgrades or anything else you might need. Whatever your goals are, First Bank Elk River offers a choice of savings tools that can help you reach them.
Traditional Savings
Build your balance with regular deposits and automatic transfers through Online or Mobile Banking.
Traditional Details
Money Market Savings
Money Markets offer an ideal combination of higher earnings, fast access to funds and guaranteed returns on your deposits.
Money Market Details
Premium Money Market Savings
Earn investment-level returns without tying up your money in long-term investment products.

Premium Money Market Details
First Dollars Savings

Teach your children or grandchildren about the benefits of saving and the basics of managing their own account.

First Dollar Details

family looking at car

Personal Loans

We have loans for many types of needs.

Unlock your dreams. Start today with our flexible personal loans.